Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Top instructors from around the world teach billions of students on EFWA.

Discover Your Potential

Become an instructor and start earning. We need quality content-creator teachers. Why not have an online course yourself? Come join us now.

Earn Money

Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or Payoneer, it’s your choice.

Inspire Students

Help people learn new skills, advance their careers, and explore their hobbies by sharing your knowledge.

Join Our Community

Take advantage of our active community of instructors to help you through your course creation process.

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How to Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Plan your course

Our conditions for being a teacher are not difficult. All you have to do is create comprehensive course content. You have read the rules and our purposes. You are now ready. You can prepare your course and send it to our academic staff for review. We wish you success in your career.

Instructor Rules

Plan your course

We want to make sure you have a great experience at EFWA, so we've got some rules for you!

Educational content must not contain any similarities to other courses or courses that have been previously published.

You need to use high-quality pictures and sound clips in your course content.

The instructor must prove that he/she is an expert in his/her field. This means that the course content he/she prepares must be comprehensive and complete.

Opinions on other issues can be shared with our technical team if they're relevant.

Start with Courses

Plan your course

Welcome to the world of online teaching!
We're excited that you've decided to take the next step in your education. We know it can be difficult to make that leap from a classroom setting to a virtual classroom but we're here to help.
Here's what you need to know:
* You don't need any experience as an instructor or teacher before you start working with us. Our team of experienced mentors will help guide you through each step of the process, and our experienced instructors will help you create high-quality content and build your reputation as an expert in your field.
* We work directly with institutions too large for them to hire individual teachers, so they can offer courses at scale. This means that they get more students, who learn more effectively, and faster than they ever could if they hired individual teachers. And because we're on their website instead of ours, they can also reach their target audience in new ways like with mobile apps that make it easy for students from any location, at any time during the day or night, to sign up for class.
* As an instructor on our platform, you'll earn a salary every month from each student who enrols in one of your courses.

We're here to help

Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource centre to help you through the process. This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.

Become an Instructor Today

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